Myth Busters: Weight Loss Surgery Edition

You have probably heard about weight loss surgery. In fact, there is a good chance you know someone that has had weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery is becoming increasingly common. As with anything, there is a lot of information out there, and it may be tricky to weed through what is factual and what is not. We’ve listed out a few weight loss surgery myths and what you should know about each.
Myth 1: Weight loss surgery patients will develop a vitamin deficiency.
Vitamin deficiencies are rare in patients that take the vitamins and supplements suggested by their bariatric program. Following surgery, you will follow a vitamin regimen designed by your surgeon. You will work closely with a dietitian to make sure your diet is well-rounded and appropriate for each stage post-operatively. Utilizing the support of a dietitian is an important piece of being successful and minimizing complications. Patients that follow the program guidelines rarely have any issues.
As part of your post-operation care, you’ll have blood drawn to ensure there aren’t any deficiencies.
Myth 2: You can’t have children after weight loss surgery.
Did you know that fertility may actually improve for women who previously thought that they were unable to conceive prior to weight loss surgery? After weight loss surgery, you may even get a boost in fertility! Obesity is one of the most common reasons for infertility in the US. As you lose weight, hormone levels begin to stabilize and ovulation improves. In addition, for those that struggle with infertility due to PCOS, bariatric surgery may be able to help. Studies have shown weight loss surgery improves PCOS in the majority of patients.
Women of childbearing age should be on a reliable method of birth control for 18-24 months after surgery. Pregnancy is not recommended until at least 12 months after surgery. Pregnancy after this time frame has been shown to be safe and highly successful.
Myth 3: Weight loss surgery is only for the morbidly obese.
Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass have been approved by the FDA and have shown to be very effective for those with a BMI > 35 with or without obesity-related health conditions. The type of weight loss surgery recommended may differ depending on the amount of weight a patient needs to lose along with other factors. In many cases, opting to have weight loss surgery earlier can prevent long-term health risks associated with obesity including:
Heart disease
Sleep apnea
Fatty liver disease
Kidney disease
Myth 4: Weight loss surgery is the easy way out.
Weight loss surgery is an incredible tool that has been life-changing for so many people, but it is just that: a tool! Each day, those that have chosen weight loss surgery wake up and have choices to make. Weight loss surgery greatly reduces the capacity of your stomach to hold food, allowing you to feel full faster, but it’s up to you what you will choose to eat. An unhealthy diet, even in small amounts, can add up to weight gain over time. Those that are the most successful have made lifestyle changes and hold themselves accountable long-term.
For over 15 years, Dr. Houston has been helping thousands of patients successfully achieve their weight loss goals with bariatric surgery. Are you ready for your new you? Contact us today to book a consultation!
Are you ready to make a change but aren’t sure where to start? Nashville Weight Loss Solutions has a comprehensive support team dedicated to helping you meet your goals. Contact us today to book a consultation!