Obalon is the FIRST and ONLY swallowable, FDA-approved balloon system for weight loss. The Obalon Balloon System is for those with a lower BMI (30 to 40 kg/m2).
Obalon helps facilitate weight loss by taking up space in your stomach so you eat less. Three balloons are temporarily placed for a six-month non-surgical treatment, combined with a professionally supervised nutrition and exercise program for optimal weight loss. Patients in the clinical study lost twice as much weight as with diet and exercise alone.

The Procedure
The placement of each Obalon balloon typically takes less than 10 minutes and doesn’t require sedation. In your physician’s office, you swallow a capsule containing a small balloon, and then your physician inflates the balloon.
After six months, all three balloons are removed in one procedure with light sedation. The removal procedure is typically no longer than 15 minutes.
Lifestyle Modification
The Obalon Balloon System can assist with your weight loss efforts, but your weight loss success is also dependent on your readiness to develop new lifestyle skills. The degree of long-term weight loss will depend on your ability to modify your lifestyle and maintain this behavior after the balloons are removed. It is important that you discuss your willingness to accept this commitment with your physician before undergoing the Obalon Balloon System treatment.
Who Can Get The Obalon Balloon System?
You are a candidate for the Obalon Balloon System if you have a body mass index (BMI) from 30 to 40 kg/m2 (30 to 100 pounds overweight) and are 22 years or older. The program begins with the placement of the Obalon Balloons in your stomach for up to six months. The program should be accompanied with a healthy diet and exercise program during the time you have the balloons and is recommended for six months after the balloons are removed.
Why Choose OBALON?
Proven Weight Loss With Lasting Results
In the OBALON Clinical Study, patients with the OBALON balloon showed 2x the weight loss compared to diet and exercise alone. Additionally, 89% of weight lost was kept off at 1 year (6 months post-removal).
Non-Surgical Weight Loss
No Incisions, stitches, or scars.​
Each placement takes less than 10 minutes.
No sedation required, so most patients are able to return to work the same day.
Gas-filled, lightweight balloons cause less nausea and vomiting compared to fluid-filled balloons.​
​In U.S clinical trials, less than 1% of adverse events were severe or serious in nature.
Unfortunately, insurance does not cover the OBALON weight loss balloon at this time. The cost of our OBALON program is $6,500. The cost of the program includes surgeon consultation, insertions, removal, and a 12 month monitored weight loss program. $150 is due at the time of consultation and is applied to the total cost of the program. Financing options are available through national agencies including Lending USA, Prosper Healthcare Lending, and CareCredit.
Many patients don’t realize the cost they spend on weight loss products or that the deductible they need to meet on insurance programs can be higher than the cost of this non-surgical weight loss solution. The procedure is tax deductible for many patients, and you could ultimately save 30% of the cost through using a tax-advantaged Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account.
Is OBALON Right for You?
The Obalon Balloon System is specifically designed for people who need help jump-starting their weight loss program. If you've tried and failed to lose weight through dieting and exercise alone, the Obalon Balloon System might be what you've been missing.
"Within six-months I learned so much about nutrition, about fitness, about portion control. I've done diets before but I never took it seriously as much as when I had the balloons."
*Individual results may vary.
**Due to manufacturing supplies, labor issues, and patient safety,
we are unable to perform balloon procedures at this time.
To learn more about OBALON or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Houston, please call us at (615) 342-5820 or complete our contact form.